
Class Evaluation

1. I just liked how I could type what I felt about certain things in this class. 2. I did not like how we had to do the same thing everyday. It got really boring after a while. 3. I would suggest to give more free time for students and give them a break. It gets very boring sometimes and it can stress someone out. 4. No I don't have time to do it every day because I have other things to do and it doesn't seem that important to me. 5. Yes because I want to do good things, I want to help people and I don't want to end up being a bad person that everyone avoids. 6. I learned that its ok to be different and it's ok to choose what you want to believe in. and That you should be able to give your opinion to whatever you want. 7. I will remember the friends I made. I will also remember how I learned that being a good person is what really matters in a person.

CTR Project


Duties and Responsibilities:    the study of various aspects of humans within past and present societies Salary: $61, 220 USD Education: Master's degree Demands or Needs: written communication, analytical skills, oral communication, time management. Reflection: I think it would be an interesting career to have . I think that it would be cool to be one for a while because I feel like I would want a different career.

Trauma Nurse

Duties and Responsibilities:  treat patients in a state of emergency, and handle urgent situations where the cause of injury or disease isn't yet known Salary: $54,000 - $74,000 USD Education: acquiring a RN degree then a Bachelors degree and then earning a certification program in trauma nursing Demands or Needs:  competent, empathetic, resilient, decisive and dedicated.   Reflection: I think it would be interesting to be a trauma nurse for a little while. I think that it would be interesting for a little while because I feel like after a while it would get boring for me.

stay to yourself

Its better to stay to yourself sometimes, that way no one cant hurt you. - Illiana Velasco I think its better to keep things to yourself because that way people won't know everything about you and they won't use things about you against you. I don't tell everyone everything because I've done that before and after they left my life I felt like they didn't deserve to know me like that. I felt regret for telling them things about me so I have lived through it and I have learned fro it and I never make the same mistake twice. I haven't really opened up to anyone ever since because I don't want to go through that again. I just keep things to myself and I keep everything inside.

Memorial Day

1. What is memorial day? A day on which those who died in active military service are remembered 2. When is memorial  day each year? Every year on the last Monday of May 3. What are a few ways to show honor and respect on memorial  day?  write them a letter attend a parade  pray visit a cemetery  4.  5. Memorial day was originally known as decoration day, meant to honor the union and confederate soldiers. in the 1900's it had become a day to honor all american soldiers 6.  I will pray for the fallen soldiers on memorial day 7.  I think memorial day is a special day to celebrate and honor those who have served for their country. I respect what they have done for us and what they continue to do for us. My family usually does a barbecue and we sit and we are thankful from our hearts. I am thankful for all of the soldiers who have dies in action and I am thankful for the soldiers who are still in action. I'm thankful that they are...

Chinese Proverb

Character: if there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. conclusion: if there is beauty in character, there will be peace peace in the world. - Chinese Proverb I agree with this proverb because they way that it is coordinated like if there is this then there will be that. And it is based on happy and good things like if this good thing happens then an even better thing will happen. I think that it is always important to have good character because people find beauty in it. And if you don't have good character then people will not find any beauty within you.