
I chose the topic bullying because I think it is important because people don't pay attention to it as much as other things. It is a topic that has minor recognition and I think that its not right because bullying can lead to suicide. I think that there is no reason to harass someone online or in person. I think that people who bully are cowards. I think that they are cowards because there is no reason to put people down even if you have problems of your own. If you do have problems you talk it out instead of hurting people. When you bully you are making that person feel terrible about themselves. People take bullying too far. There are approximately one million people who commit suicide. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death in young people. People who witness bullying but don't do anything about it are called bystanders. They are either afraid to stand up to the bully because they don't ant to get bullied themselves or because they enjoy doing it too. bringing peoples self esteem down is evil. Some people already have enough at home with family that treats them like trash. Then they come to school and get picked on even more. The victims think that the only escape is suicide. When they do kill themselves the bullies regret it and so do the bystanders for not stepping in and helping. Then the family will regret treating them the way they did. But it will be too late because they are already gone.


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