
"When you tell one lie, it leads to another"-Paul Hatch

I think what this quote means is that once you tell a lie and everyone believes you, you start telling more lies because you don't want to get caught lying. So then you cover it up with lie after lie after lie. I don't like liars because there is no reason to lie to anyone. Its better to just tell the truth and deal with the consequences before making them worse with lies. I have told lies before and the consequences are worse because you said something that wasn't truthful. I have learned form my mistakes and I don't tell them anymore. I would rather tell the truth because it doesn't hurt the person as much as lying over and over again. I don't like being lied to I find it as a type of betrayal no matter how small and that person can lose my trust easily. It is very difficult to gain it to because I have trust issues and I only trust a certain amount of people.


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