Operating Room Technician

Duties and responsibilities: They prepare operating rooms, set up equipment and surgical tools, and assist doctors and nurses during surgeries as instructed.

Salary: $45,730 USD 

Education: A certificate or Associates degree in surgical technology

Demand or needs for this profession: They need to be fit and strong because they are sometimes required to lift objects over 100 pounds. 

Reflection: Would you like to be one? Why or Why not?    I think I would like to be one because this job seems interesting and I would never get bored of what I would be doing. I think I would have to pat very close attention to what I would be doing though because you can easily mess up and there would be complications. I also believe that surgeries can take a very long time depending on what type of surgery is needed and how badly the patients condition is. The pay is very low though it is below the average salery. I think that would be 


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