Student Success Statement

"Its not about how to achieve your dreams. Its about how to lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (good results, destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care if itself. The dreams will come to you." - Dr. Randy Pausch

I think what this quote means is that it doesn't matter how you achieve your dreams or your goals. What matters is that you are living your life the right way and you're living life to its fullest. For example, a way to live your life the right way is to be a positive person. Look at life in a more positive way treat others in a positive way. Another way is not hold grudges. Forgive them and if you cant bring yourself to fully forgive them walk away from them and people like them and don't turn back. The people that have done bad things to you will get what they deserve sooner or later. if you really truly want to do something then do it. If you don't do it then you will regret it later in life because you will have missed out on the opportunity. Do what makes you happy without any regrets.
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