Benjamin Franklin

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"Great beauty. great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all." - Benjamin Franklin 

If you are beautiful or rich or strong it wont matter if you are an awful person. No one will want to be true friends with you if you have a bad personality. If you have a good heart or a good personality people will want to be friends with you because of your kindness. There are a lot of rich people in the world who spend their money for useless things. Then there are rich people who don't spend their money on useless things like helping those in need. Those people are good at heart because they are sharing their money. A good heart is what is really important because people will like you more if you are kind. some people can take advantage of your kindness and use your for your things. Those people are the worst because they don't need to do that. They do it out of choice and because they like hurting people. For example, if you have a good heart and you have someone asking you for something everyday and you say yes everyday, that person is going to think that it is ok for them to keep asking you for something. then they are going to take advantage of it and you won't notice because you will keep telling yourself that they really need it or they will stop eventually. They never will. They will never stop taking advantage of you until you put your foot down and say no. Once you say no and you see how they respond to you saying no then you will see that they never were your friends. 


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