Alexander Hamilton

"A promise must never be broken." - Alexander Hamilton

I agree with this quote because a promise is a promise no matter how big or how small. That person you are making the promise to is giving you their trust to fulfill the duty they have entrusted you to do. If you break that promise hen you are losing someones trust. It is very hard to gain someone's trust once you lose it. For example, if you promise not to tell anyone your friends deepest secrets but you end up telling someone about them and your friend finds out you have lost their trust. I am like this too If you promise me something I would expect you to keep that promise . If you break that promise then you are breaking my trust for you. I always keep my promises and if I can't I wont say that I promise I will do whatever I can to help but I can't promise you anything. Its better to be truthful and do the right thing than to lie and promise something you won't be able to fulfill.

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